Best Soil for Indoor Plants

Best Soil for Indoor Plants

Finding the best soil for your indoor plants can be challenging. There are so many different choices and soil mediums. From potting soil, cactus soil, perlite, and more. In this video I’ll guide you through the various soil types and what they’re used for, how to mix growing media to make the best soil, requirements for a few key indoor houseplants, and when you should be changing your soil.

Looking for the best soil for Monsteras and Philodendron?

0:00 Intro
0:37 Basic Potting Soil
1:20 Perlite
2:00 Orchid Bark
2:41 Cactus Soil
3:13 Peat Moss and Vermiculite
3:39 Horticultural Charcoal, Pumice, and Coco Coir
4:33 Best Mixes
5:43 Best Mixes for Snake Plants & Dracaena
6:15 Best Mixes for Succulents and Cactus
6:35 When should you change your soil?
7:35 Should you top up your soil?
8:05 Can you reuse old soil?
9:18 Should I switch my soil now?
10:40 Should I buy pre-mixed soil?


I keep my plants healthy by watering and fertilizing consistently
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Soil Microbiology Booster:

Growing Mediums

Horticultural Charcoal:
Earthworm Castings:
Orchid Bark:
Potting soil:


Amazon Canada

Soil Microbiology Booster:

Growing Mediums

Horticultural Charcoal: (still searching for a fairly priced online options for Canadians)
Earthworm Castings:
Orchid Bark:
Potting soil:

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  1. Plant nephew. Great job..I see this is a 3yr ago video Are you still deep into your plants. You’re quite informative

  2. I bought a snake plant from a local nursery last month and haven’t watered it yet. The moisture meter i got (after watching Sheffield Made Plants) constantly reads wet only for this plant. It is producing new pups, so I’m scared to repot it. I’d also like to try putting in just water with pebbles, cuz I’m terrified of fungus gnats. But i have no idea what kind of soil it’s in now, i just know that it’s wet and not happy – some of the larger leaves had some nasty brown spots that I had to cut down. What do I do?!

  3. Plant-formation.. Dude you are amazing thank you. Hopefully I can get some better results for my Boston Ferns.

  4. Love it. You explain things so well. For the first time ever, I feel like I stand a chance at becoming a gardener 🤩

  5. Always mix your own, i’ll die on this hill. Plant choice isn’t the only factor. Your home humidity, your fert schedule, your watering schedule, whether or not you have adhd (i do, it really matters for your ability to make certain schedules work), there are just too many variables for store bought mixes.

  6. Great information!!! I have it a thumbs up simply because of your comment about picking off bell peppers from your pizza. 😊

  7. Okay i juat repotted all my plants in regular soil mix!!! Now i want to amend my soil… Whats the best way to do this without shocking my plants???

  8. Hi and thank you for your content, maybe you could upgrade this video with an eco firendly version of soil mix as sphagnium in store bought soi mix is an ecological disaster, maybe only uses coconut bark ?

  9. I dont have houseplants beside Aloe but thats also a good video for other plants. I use a well draining soil for my dragonfruits. They are a tropical climbing cactus and love a little more water than other cactus but it should also be well draining especially if you life in a country that have a lot of rain like me in Austria (in the wintertime, my plants are in the basement). In the soil is perlite, clay pebbles, pumice and sand. 1 third is some fluffly pottingmix I bought from a company in the netherlands but I don´t know whats inside besides perlite, but the plants like it

  10. Is Perlite for plants the same perlite they sell in Hardware stores for way less than half the price? I tried ordering it online here in Europe and Perlite labeled for plants is just to expensive.

  11. Yes I do have a really long Monstera I can’t report. It big, it’s hanging and I have it climbing all around my kitchen and dining area in braches all around the ceiling. So I’m doing the best I can to provide for it. But it looks pretty good. I have another one too climbing around som shelves and I have successfully liftet it with my husband to feed it some more soil. So far so good 😊. Just found your channel and learned so much. Thank you. Now I’m gonna give my Philadendron some poles and maybe repotting some of them again to do it ‘right’.

  12. I would suggest using COARSE GRADE perlite
    . put a couple inches of it at the bottom of the Pot , and of course throughout the Mix .

  13. Theres an error, water does Not cause root rot, water in decayed and decaying matter does some things, reduces oxygen in the water and growing medium, increases the sewer gases by increasing decay, if your medium is soil; sand silt and clay roots do not rot because of good water retention and permeability/air flow, Cheers for trying, its not your fault for this, the university and colleges teach that water causes root rot and even though its not true they won’t relent.

  14. My trick, young hero?
    Negligence and prayer.

  15. What should I use for pilea mollis? I have coco coir, pumice, cactus/succulent soil, and also worm castings
    And a friend just gave me some LECA. I never used it before but she said I can crush it up & mix it to make a mix more well draining?

  16. I need help with my soil to get more air in it I have a thailand gaint colocasia and I need help bro

  17. Oh showing us a comparison of how the different mediums drain by pouring over water like that was a really good idea. Helped me to understand better! 😀

  18. When selecting the best medium for plants use what plants naturally are adapted to, cactus and many plants prefer sandy loam, sand is actually one of the best permanent mediums for plants, peat moss is so dead it can last for about 5 years before final decomposition. Plants prefer natures way, the soil;sand silt and clay combinations are home to their roots, in nature dead and decaying matter is Always on top of soil. Water is essential to plant growth as well as air.

  19. Bro I’ve been definitely looking for a channel like this, well articulated not a bunch of wasteful bla bla, I’m a fan

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